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Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Chalfin, Golberg & Vainboim Advogados
Chalfin, Golberg & Vainboim Advogados

Chalfin, Golberg & Vainboim Advogados

Av. Presidente Wilson, nº 231 - 26º andar , Centro
20030-905 Rio de Janeiro-RJ

Telephone: 55 (21) 3970-7200
Fax: 55 (21) 3970-7200
E-mail: [email protected]


Presentation: The firm Chalfin, Golberg & Vainboim Advogados is divided into two well-defined sections: one specialized in representing clients in recurring litigation (mass litigation), and the other focused on special causes and consulting. This structure provides agility to meet the needs of all clients. As part of an ample structure, CGVF developed its own system for procedural monitoring and legal management. It works in real time to accompany cases and can generate a large variety of reports, facilitating the work of responding to the regular audits faced by clients. Besides this, the firm has been successfully using a powerful business intelligence tool that monitors online various indicators that are important for the effective representation of clients in recurring litigation. This allows the lawyers handling the cases to focus on the law, while the administrative work is performed by the support team, all organized in a standardized workflow for the entire firm. Both sections rely on highly specialized teams. The special causes and consulting section is composed of lawyers with seniority and advanced academic degrees, who handle the cases that are more relevant due to their sophistication, complexity, amount involved, strategic nature and/or repercussion. Because of its outstanding performance and commitment, CGVF has obtained recognition in its practice areas in specialized international publications such as Chambers and Partners – Global e Latin America, The Legal 500, Latin Lawyer, Leaders League and Who’s Who Legal.

Activities and services: Banking, Labour, Insurance and Reinsurance, E-commerce, Aviation, Telephony, Real Estate and Consumer.

Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Established since: 2000

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